Apple has launched a new wireless keyboard that is smaller, sleeker and slimmer than its predecessors. Dubbed the Magic Keyboard, this $99 keyboard is powered by rechargeable batteries, meaning you won’t have to constantly buy new batteries for it. The Magic Keyboard features a USB-3 port that can be used to charge the batteries while in use.
In terms of size, Apple’s Magic Keyboard is incredibly small, measuring just 0.43″ x 10.98″ x 4.52″. It weighs just 8 ounces, making it light as a feather. Apple went with a matte aluminum design for the new keyboard, which falls in suit with its new line of iMacs. The underside of the Magic Keyboard also features several small “legs” to keep the keyboard from sliding around. And i you look on the bottom front, you’ll notice there’s a window for the Bluetooth antenna (yes, the Magic Keyboard features Bluetooth connectivity.”
You might be wondering how Apple was able to design such a small, compact wireless keyboard. Well, the secret to its small size lies in the fact that it doesn’t require standard batteries. Most wireless keyboards require either AA or AAA batteries, which subsequently takes up a fair amount of space. Apple took a different approach with its Magic Keyboard, however, opting to use rechargeable Lithium-Ion batteries instead, which are both smaller and more efficient.
Of course, the real beauty of the Magic Keyboard is its seamless integration with Apple products. Just enable Bluetooth on your iMac, at which point you can connect the keyboard using its Lighting-to-USB cable. The keyboard will then create a “handshake” with your iMac so to speak, confirming the connection has been made. You can then disconnect the USB cable and continue to use your keyboard as normal.
As noted by PCMag, the Magic Keyboard performs better than a typical membrane keyboard, but it’s still not as comfortable as mechanical switch keyboards.
“The keys are not quite as firm as the butterfly mechanism on the Apple MacBook at Amazon, but there isn’t a lot of key travel. It’s better than a membrane keyboard like the Logitech Keys-to-Go, but it’s nowhere near as comfortable as the long-throw mechanical switches on the Das Keyboard Model S Professional for Mac,” wrote the folks at PCMag.