Touchscreen technology has gradually inched its way into nearly every aspect of our daily lives. From schools and retail stores to restaurants and manufacturing facilities, it’s used extensively. But many touchscreen devices, whether for personal or commercial use, contain a special feedback mechanism known as haptics. This feedback signals to the user that his or her command was registered. To learn more about haptics and the benefits it offers, keep reading.
Increased Accuracy
One of the greatest benefits of haptics response in touchscreen devices is increased accuracy. As humans, it’s in our nature to make mistakes — and such mistakes are particularly common in touchscreen devices without haptics. By adding some type of feedback response system, however, it improves touchscreen accuracy dramatically. Something as simple as a slight vibration indicates to the operator that his or her command was registered; thus, improving the device’s overall accuracy. According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Glasgow Scotland, haptics increases touchscreen accuracy by as much as 20%.
Increased Input Speed
Another benefit of haptics in touchscreen devices is increased input speed. The same study cited above also found haptics to increase input speed by 20%. How exactly does it accomplish this? Well, by informing the operator when touch is registered, it allows the operator to input commands more quickly. And when input speed increases, so does productivity. This is why haptics technology is essential in commercial touchscreen applications, as it improves the company’s overall efficiency and productivity.
Improved User Satisfaction
No, that’s not a typo. Haptics technology can improve user satisfaction with touchscreen devices. It sounds simple enough, but a light vibration assists the operator in inputting commands while reducing errors in the process. These otherwise simple characteristics have a positive impact on user satisfaction.
Of course, there are also some potential disadvantages to haptics, including the cost. Conventional wisdom should lead you to believe that a haptics-based touchscreen device will cost more than a non-haptics device. So if you’re looking for a cheap, inexpensive touchscreen device, you may want to skip haptics. With that said, it’s still a relatively low-cost technology that yields some major advantages. From increased accuracy and speed to improved user satisfaction, there are several reasons to embrace haptics. And most professionals will agree that haptics is well worth the investment.