How Silicone Rubber Keypads Are Made

How Silicone Rubber Keypads Are Made

Silicone rubber keypads have become an increasingly popular switching solution for electronic devices. Also known as an elastomeric keypad, they are characterized by the use of silicone rubber webbing material. Even if you’ve seen or used a silicone rubber...
An Introduction to Plastic Injection Molding

An Introduction to Plastic Injection Molding

From electronic cases to medical components, countless products are manufactured using plastic injection molding. It’s a relatively simple molding process that allows for the creation of plastic products in custom shapes and sizes. If this is your first time...
Silicone Rubber Keypads: What Makes Them Unique?

Silicone Rubber Keypads: What Makes Them Unique?

Keypads are used in countless consumer and commercial applications. Chances are you own an electronic device with a keypad, in fact. Consisting of individual buttons, each of which featuring an underlying circuit, they are used to control the devices in which they are...
The Benefits of Laser Etching for Keypads

The Benefits of Laser Etching for Keypads

Keypads are used in a wide range of commercial and consumer applications. They essentially contain one or more electrical switches. When you press a key, the underlying circuit will close. When you release a key, the circuit will revert back to its open position. If...
How to Choose a Keypad: What You Should Know

How to Choose a Keypad: What You Should Know

Are you looking to purchase a keypad to use at your business’s workplace? Keypads are used in nearly all industries. Whether your business operates in the retail, manufacturing, hospitality and medical industry, it will probably benefit from the use of a keypad....
Optical vs Mechanical Keyboards: What’s the Difference?

Optical vs Mechanical Keyboards: What’s the Difference?

Consisting of keys that act as electrical switches, keyboards play an important role in the function of computers and other devices. When connected to a computer or device, a keyboard serves as a peripheral for input. You can perform commands on the computer by...