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How Membrane Keypads Work

Keypads are an essential component used in computers and human machine interfaces (HMI) alike. They offer a method of input, allowing operators to enter commands and perform operations on the connected device. There are two primary types of keypads used for such...

5 Key Differences Between Resistive and Capacitive Touchscreens

The vast majority of touchscreen devices today use either resistive or capacitive technology. We've discussed them before on our blog, but in case you missed it resistive touchscreens identify the origin of touch by pressing two layers together, whereas capacitive...

Drones Building ROI at Construction Sites

Drones Building ROI at Construction Sites

Archtober is accepting nominations for projects to be included in New York City's month-long festival of architecture and design. Each day in October 2016, the event will feature a Building of the Day as a noon-time, architect-led tour. Building of the Day tours are...

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