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Samsung Releases Touchscreen-Controlled Smart Refrigerator

Jul 23, 2018

When you think of touchscreen-compatible devices, refrigerators probably don’t come to mind. After all, these major kitchen appliances have been around for decades. And in that time, there hasn’t been a need for a touchscreen interface. That’s about to change, however, as Korean tech giant Samsung has launched a new touchscreen-controlled smart refrigerator.

Known as the Family Hub, Samsung’s new touchscreen refrigerator is currently only available in India. It features a 21-inch full-HD touchscreen display with Samsung’s signature Bixby digital assistant. Using Bixby, consumers can perform commands using their voice — just like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. Most importantly, Family Hub features a brilliant touchscreen interface of the front door, allowing consumers to take notes, check their refrigerator’s inventory, create screensavers and more.

It’s also worth mentioning that Family Hub features three cameras inside the unit. So,w hat’s the purpose of these cameras? Like other smart refrigerators, the Family Hub uses internal cameras to provide consumers with images of the inside of their refrigerator. If a consumer is at the grocery store and can’t remember if he or she is out of milk, they can open the Samsung’s SmartThings app on their mobile device to view footage of these cameras. It’s a quick and easy way to check and see what’s inside your refrigerator.

Family Hub offers a wide range of smart features that allow consumers to do what they could not do before. These include syncing up food storage, keeping family members better connected and organized and providing enhanced entertainment,” said Samsung’s Saurav Katyal.

Samsung’s SmartThings app also provides recipe recommendations based on the items stored inside the Family Hub refrigerator. If you’re running out of ideas for dinner, you can open the app for the recommendations. It will automatically search for and provide you with recipe recommendations based on the items in your refrigerator. This is just one more nifty feature that makes Samsung’s Family Hub stand out in a sea of smart refrigerators and appliances.

Of course, the Family Hub isn’t cheap. With its interior of things (IOT) technology paired with a touchscreen interface and voice-controlled digital assistant, it’s a high-tech appliance with a premium cost. According to CNET, Samsung’s new smart refrigerator starts at $2,299. While that may seem pricey, it’s actually cheaper than some of Samsung’s other smart refrigerators, some of which cost upwards of $5,000. However, the Family Hub is incredibly energy efficient, so using it may actually save you money in the long run in the form of cheaper electricity bills.

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