The Importance of a Responsive Touchscreen

Sep 16, 2020

If you’re in the market for a new touchscreen — or several touchscreens — you should consider its level of responsiveness. All touchscreens respond to touch commands. Some, however, are more responsive than others. If a touchscreen has a low level of responsiveness, it may cause issues that affect its performance and usability. To learn more about the importance of choosing a responsive touchscreen, keep reading.

Overview of Responsiveness

Responsiveness is a measurement of how fast a touchscreen responds to your touch command. There’s always at least some delay from when you tap the display interface to when the touchscreen responds with the appropriate action. In most cases, this delay isn’t noticeable. It will seem like the touchscreen instantly responds to your touch command. Nonetheless, the length of this delay can vary depending on the type of touchscreen.

Ease of Use

Touchscreens with a high level of responsiveness are easier to use than their counterparts that take longer to respond. They require less pressure, and therefore work, to register touch commands. Capacitive touchscreens, for instance, are more responsive than resistive touchscreens. You can perform a touch command on a capacitive touchscreen simply by hovering your finger over the display interface. You don’t have to press your finger down on the display interface. This makes highly responsive touchscreens, including capacitive touchscreens, easier to use.


In addition to being easier to use, highly responsive touchscreens typically last longer. If a touchscreen has a low level of responsiveness, you’ll have to apply more force when performing touch commands. All of this force can wear down the touchscreen’s internal components, thereby shortening its expected lifespan. Highly responsive touchscreens don’t suffer from this problem. They can quickly and effectively respond to your touch commands, even if you apply little or no pressure.

Fewer Errors

You’ll probably make fewer errors when using a highly responsive touchscreen. When there’s a long delay from when you perform a touch command to when the device responds with the appropriate action, you may assume that your touch command wasn’t properly registered. As a result, you may perform the same touch command. Of course, this will result in the same command being performed twice.

Capacitive touchscreens often have the highest level of responsiveness. They don’t use moving parts to detect touch commands. Rather, they use an electrostatic field. Touch commands create a change in this electrostatic field, which capacitive touchscreens use to detect touch commands. With their use of an electrostatic field, capacitive touchscreens are among the most responsive type of touchscreens available.

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