What Is the ‘Mother Glass’ in LCDs?

Apr 16, 2021

Liquid-crystal displays (LCDs) are comprised of many different parts. They all have a pixel layer, and they all have backlighting. LCDs also have a top layer that’s typically made of glass. To produce this top layer, manufacturers use mother glass. What is mother glass in LCDs exactly?

Overview of Mother Glass

The term “mother glass” refers to the large block or piece of glass from which an LCD’s top layer is cut. Manufacturers, of course, typically produce multiple LCDs at once. They don’t produce LCDs individually. Rather, most manufacturers use an automated or semi-automated production process that allows them to produce multiple LCDs at once. To produce the top layers for their respective LCDs, manufacturers use the mother glass.

It’s known as the “mother glass” because it paves the way for many LCDs. All LCDs need a top layer. When producing LCDs, manufacturers will cut these layers from the mother glass. The mother glass is simply a block or piece of glass that manufacturers cut to create the top layers for their LCDs.

Mother Glass Generations

There are several different generations of mother glass. The first generation was introduced in 1990. Just a few years later, the second generation of mother glass emerged. The latest generation, the 18th generation, was introduced in 2018.

Each generation of mother glass refers to a specific size. First-generation mother glass, for example, has a length of 200 to 300 millimeters and a height of 200 to 400 millimeters. Second-generation mother glass, on the other hand, has a length of 370 millimeters and a height of 470 millimeters.

Mother Glass Sizes

As previously mentioned, the generation of mother glass reflects its size. Newer generations of mother glass are larger than older generations of mother glass. With that said, you might be wondering why mother glass has become bigger in size over the years.

Manufacturers prefer large mother glass over small mother glass for several reasons. For starters, large mother glass allows them to produce LCDs with larger displays. The size of an LCD’s display is restricted to that of the mother glass. With small mother glass, manufacturers would be forced to produce smaller LCDs with smaller top layers.

Large mother glass also allows for the production of a larger volume of LCDs. Each block or piece of mother glass can be used for dozens or even hundreds of LCDs — assuming it’s large. These are just a few reasons why manufacturers prefer large mother glass over small mother glass.

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