Why Do Touchscreens Vibrate in Response to Touches?

Mar 2, 2020

Have you ever wondered why touchscreens vibrate in response to touch commands? Whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, smartwatch or any other touchscreen device, there’s a good chance it will vibrate — at least by default — when you perform a touch command. Known as haptics or tactile feedback, it’s a common feature in modern touchscreens.

Unless you’re familiar with this feature, though, you might be wondering what benefits, if any, these post-touch vibrations offers. After all, other electronic devices typically don’t vibrate, so what makes touchscreens any different?

Improves Typing Speed

By vibrating in response to touch commands, touchscreens offer faster typing speeds. It’s relatively easy to type on a traditional keyboard because the keys “pop” back up after being pressed. When you press and release a key, it will “pop” back up. Even if you don’t realize it, this action allows you to type more quickly because it confirms the touchscreen registered your touch command. Touchscreens don’t have mechanical or otherwise moving parts, so they don’t feature this same “popping” action. As an alternative solution, manufacturers rely on haptics.

Haptics improved typing speeds the same way that the “popping” action improves typing speeds for traditional keyboards. When you perform a touch command, the touchscreen will vibrate. As a result, you’ll know that the touchscreen registered your command.

Improve User Experience

In addition to typing speed, haptics improves user experience in touchscreens. Studies have shown that people prefer using devices with haptics as opposed to devices without haptics. For whatever reason, it’s just more enjoyable to use haptics-enabled touchscreens. They offer a unique user experience that’s more enjoyable than their non-haptics counterparts.

Reduces Input Errors

Whether you’re typing an email or surfing the internet, you are less likely to make input errors when using a touchscreen with haptics. Each time your touchscreen vibrates, you’ll know that it registered your touch command. Missed input commands, of course, one of the most common types of typing errors. If you fail to hit a virtual key on your touchscreen, though, the device won’t vibrate. In turn, you can go back to reenter the virtual key.

These are just a few reasons why so many touchscreens vibrate in response to touch commands. Known as haptics or tactile feedback, it’s able to improve typing speeds, improve user experience and reduce input errors. Hopefully, this gives you a better understanding of why touchscreens vibrate in response to touch commands.

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